Sunday, November 2, 2014

Know our organization

What is Kabalikat Civicom?
The Kabalikat Civicom is an active group of community communicators engaged in public assistance particularly during disasters and national calamities or whenever there is need to ensure public comfort and convenience. Both civic and non-profit in character, the Kabalikat is committed and dedicated to the people's amelioration and established linkages with the government and private organization that will bring its services closer to every sector of the community.
Category: About Kabalikat Civicom

What is the history of Kabalikat Civicom? How was it conceived to be the organization it is now?
First conceived and organized by Gil de la Torre since early 90's, the Kabalikat was founded in response to a need, that of raising the status of communicators to a position of high responsibility and importance as well as to enable radio enthusiasts to actively participate in public assistance, especially during calamities and emergencies. Modulations on community bands have been fragmented and without direction, with most frequencies so occupied with unnecessary modulations or stymied by jammers that when the need calls for immediate radio assistance for relay of urgent messages, the responsible communicator when available, could hardly cope with the exigency. Sadly, most of the time, he was unavailable. To help remedy the situation, some responsible communicators banded themselves into a developmental radio group that is truly responsive to the needs of the community. The Kabalikat Civicom Association, Incorporated. This group subsequently developed into a nationwide communication networks of civic communicators, became a prime mover that immediately, or at the soonest possible time, responded to any exigencies or emergencies that arose. The Organization was organized on December 19, 1993 and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as the Kabalikat Civicom Association, Incorporated by the following incorporators: Gil dela Torre, Celso P. Corpuz, Vedasto Dayan, Engr. Silver Abubo, Leandro Lazaro, Diego Magpantay Jr., Francisco Morales, Hilario Pasag, Deag Edgar Geniza, Dr. Cezail F. Villanueva and Joseph Edward Tividad, with the following objectives: (1) To foster stronger and more cohesive fellowship and cooperation among those involved in community radio communications; (2) To develop dedication, discipline and professionalism in community services; (3) To promote the bayanihan spirit, mutual help and cooperation among various government agencies and civic-minded organization by bringing its services closer to every sector of the community; (4) To assist in every way possible in the developmental radio communication in the national endeavor of achieving reforms. Along this line, every member of Kabalikat Civicom has strived to live by the following code of discipline and encourage others to do the same: (a) commitment to the public; (b) faith, love and belief in God; (c) love of country; (d) respect for the authorities and the government; (e) commitment to democracy; (f) responsiveness to the public; and (g) political neutrality. In obedience to the mandate of May 1, 1994 Kabalikat National Assembly in Olongapo City where 50 out 51 existing chapter groups, signified adherence to Kabalikat Civicom recognizing it as the national organization and in its desire for stronger and more cohesive organization capable of undertaking action programs in meaningful support of government programs / projects and private organizations and the professionalization of the service of the Organization so that government and private assistance centers could be made effective channels in bringing their services closer to every sector of the community, the National Executive Council organized chapter groups in every municipality nationwide. Since then, the Kabalikat Civicom, in a concerted effort to relate public needs of developments to responsible community communication, established network of radio assistance stations in various locality. The work of educating the people in the dynamics of nationhood has become the primary program plans of Kabalikat network of communicators. The Kabalikat Civicom is a developmental communication group of the DZRH Radio News and other national and local radio and television station nationwide. As Corruption Prevention Unit of the Ombudsman, the Kabalikat Civicom is also accredited in various government agencies. Thus, the organization originally conceived as a mere responsible civic communication body, has now grown into today's nationwide Kabalikat Civicom - to serve as link to the complex network of active communication efforts geared towards nation building.
Category: About Kabalikat Civicom

What are the organization's activities & functions
The work of educating the people on the importance of radio communications group in dynamics of nationhood has become the primary program plans of Kabalikat network of communicators.  Since its establishment, the organization has mobilized, coordinated and initiated civic activities which involve communications, first aid, rescue operations, and traffic assistance to the public. Each chapter has able to assist rescue operations and fire conflagration in districts and municipalities. Rescue included first-aid and other medical assistance.
Category: About Kabalikat Civicom

How do the local chapters operate?
Each chapter has its own set of officers who will govern for the whole period of their term. Members are advised to monitor to their designated frequency for easy pull-out. Operative stations shall have the responsibility to monitor and assist all traveling members within its areas of responsibility. They are also advised to report any unusual incidence including fire, vehicular accidents, crimes, emergencies and other events that may require the assistance of the group. Regular net call is done daily to update its members and to exercise and strengthen camaraderie between individuals.

How will I recognize other chapters & members in other parts of the country or even abroad?
Through the Kabalikat Civicom Directory, it is updated regularly adding new chapters that will be organized. Each chapter has its own designated prefix number. The prefix becomes the chapter's identity in the directory and is followed by the Call Sign of the member under such chapter. Thus, you will know the origin of the Kabalikat Civicom member by the prefix of the chapter he/she belongs.

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