The very first thing, which a radio operator does before transmitting, is to monitor. It is important that all operators should enter into any channel or frequency properly. A radio user should strictly follow these procedures:
1. Make sure that your radio is on and the volume is adjusted properly.
2. Listen first & get a good idea of what is going on in the frequency.
3. If there’s a modulator or a modulation going on, wait until it ends before entering in the frequency. SHOW SOME ETHICS- If you have some comment or you have an idea regarding the topic being aired, enter properly you may PATCH UP or SHORT BRAKE/ INTERRUPT.
4. PRESS FIRST BEFORE TALKING Press the “press to talk” (PTT) button on the radio, then wait 1-2 second before speaking. This prevents cutting of the first few words of your massage.
5. Speak slowly and clearly
6. In a controlled frequency: Do not go on automatic, look for the control and ask permission. Shout for the control for three times (3X) follow by your call sign, if no contact you can go on automatic.
- Shout for the unit identification then follow by your call sign for 3x only, if no response! The other party may be busy or not on monitor, try again later, to give way to other radio user.
10-1 Receiving poorly
10-2 Loud and clear copy
10-3 Slowly
10-4 Positive/Roger
10-5 Relay message/notify
10-6 Busy
10-7 Sign off
10-8 Monitoring
10-9 Please repeat
10-10 No more traffic
10-11 Ask/Query
10-12 Standby
10-13 Road and weather condition
10-14 Get/buy/pick-up
10-15 Answer/feedback
10-16 Problem/trouble
10-17 Please/request
10-18 List/record
10-19 Come back/return
10-20 Location
10-21 Call up/telephone
10-22 Disregard/cancel
10-23 Arrived at/reached
10-24 Follow up/make a report
10-25 Meeting/appointment
10-26 Subject/victim
10-27 Driver's license
10-28 Plate number
10-29 Check record/verify
10-30 Water supply
10-31 Approval/Result
10-32 Armed/man with gun
10-33 Emergency/urgent
10-34 Riot/crime in progress
10-35 Red alert
10-36 Correct time
10-37 Eat/Fill gas (fuel)
10-38 Local police/military
10-39 Hurry up/rush
10-40 Roving
10-41 Operatives/members
10-42 Leave/Disengage
10-43 News/Information
10-44 Regards
10-45 Cars/vehicle
10-46 Assist motorist
10-47 Electrician (crew)
10-48 Excavation/road repairs
10-49 Traffic situation
10-50 Accident
10-51 Wrecker needed
10-52 Ambulance needed
10-53 Heavy traffic
10-54 Investigator needed
10-55 Electric power
10-56 Drunk
10-57 Hit and run case
10-58 Direct traffic
10-59 Buddy/companion
10-60 Hospital
10-61 Doctors/medical Team
10-62 Medicines
10-63 Assignment completed
10-64 Message
10-65 Assignment/task
10-66 Necessary/needed
10-67 Male
10-68 Deliver/dispatch
10-69 Received message
10-70 Fire alarm
10-71 Nature of fire
10-72 Demonstration
10-73 Fire truck/God Bless
10-74 Negative
10-75 Permission to contact
10-76 Proceed to
10-77 ETA (Est time arrival)
10-78 Assistance Needed
10-79 Dead person
10-80 Kidnapping case
10-81 Car napping case
10-82 Prepare/reserve
10-83 Vehicle found
10-84 ETD (Est time of Departure)
10-85 Late
10-86 Missing person
10-87 Female
10-88 Telephone number
10-89 Person found
10-90 Robbery/theft
10-91 Long modulation
10-92 Anti-narcotic case
10-93 Address
10-94 Drag racing
10-95 Operation
10-96 Jammer
10-97 Radio check
10-98 Call sign/name
10-99 Home/base
10-100 Office
10-101 Statement of account
10-102 Treasurer
10-103 Money/cash/check
10-104 Change frequency
10-105 Mechanic
10-106 Modulation going on
10-107 Antenna
10-108 Radio Driver's license
10-109 Uniform/attire/vest
10-110 Equipment
10-111 Portable radio
10-112 Base/mobile radio
10-113 Booster
10-114 Power supply
10-115 Battery
10-116 Repeater/phone patch
10-117 Computer
10-118 Rotator
10-119 Coax cable
10-120 Gunshot/stab wound
10-121 Heart attack
10-122 CVA (Stroke)
10-123 Fracture emergency
10-124 OB Emergency
10-125 Hypertensive
10-126 In-patient
10-127 Out-patient
10-128 Operator
10-129 Son/daughter
10-130 Secretary
10-131 Extension/relative
10-132 Driver
10-133 Wife
10-134 National Officer
10-135 Group/Regional Officer
10-136 NTC
10-137 NBI clearance
10-138 Police clearance
10-139 Necessary papers
10-140 Organization's ID
10-141 Organization's base
10-40 Monitoring Codes:
Code 1 Monitor every 5 minutes
Code 2 Monitor every 15 minutes
Code A Monitor every minute
Code B Monitor every 2 minutes
10-33 Emergency Codes:
Code 1 Extreme(Life & Death Matter)
Code 2 Moderate (Help A.S.A.P.)
Code 3 Help needed (not immediate)
10-142 Thank you
10-143 With My Love
10-144 Welcome
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